I am a kind, romantic, sophisticated guy able to love with my whole heart. Write to me! I would li

Tim2 Indice de confiance : 2.0 / 5Indice de confiance : 2.0 / 5Indice de confiance : 2.0 / 5Indice de confiance : 2.0 / 5Indice de confiance : 2.0 / 5
I am a kind, romantic,
sophisticated guy able to
love with my whole heart. 
Write to me!  I would li
mail Envoyez un message à Tim2
Son annonce
It would be desirable to find careful, kind the man. Financially independent, without problems in relations with former wives. I nice, attractive, kind, lovely, without bad habits the boy. I wish to find the unique and favourite person who will understand me, to divide my interests and to support me a difficult minute. I very economic boy, I am able is tasty to prepare. Yes in general as well as everything, it would be desirable to find love and respect in relations.
Son profil
Son Pseudo Tim2
Son age 30 ans
Il recherche Un homme ♂
Il résiderais

États-Unis 07094 SecaucusÉtats-Unis 07094 Secaucus

Sa situation Célibataire
Ses yeux sont Bleu
Ses cheveux sont Auburn
Sa taille 131 cm
Son poids 40 kg
Fumeur Non Fumeur
Buveur Ne bois jamais
Il a des enfants Oui, 1
Sa religion Athée
Son niveau d'études BAC
Sa profession Architecture
Son caractère Calme
Signe astrologique Vierge
Activités Sportives Arts martiaux, Arts martiaux, Arts martiaux
Ses loisirs Art, Art, Art