Sincérité, amour et respect . Je recherche la bonne rencontre

Salamfrance Confidence rating : 2.0 / 5Confidence rating : 2.0 / 5Confidence rating : 2.0 / 5Confidence rating : 2.0 / 5Confidence rating : 2.0 / 5
Sincérité, amour et respect . Je recherche la bonne rencontre
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Personnal Ads
On ne se connait pas encore certes, mais je me sens incroyablement proche de vous. Et, si je ne devais choisir qu’une seule personne sur ce site, ce serait vous.
Pseudo Salamfrance
Age 41 y/o
He is looking for A woman ♀
He would live in

France 31560 CalmontFrance 31560 Calmont

Marital status Married
Colour of eye Brown
Colour of hair Black
Height 184 cm
Weight 79 kg
Smoker Occasionally
Drinker Non-alcoholic beverages only
He has children Yes, 2
Religion Muslim
Education High School
Profession Technology / Telecommunication
Character Thoughtful
Zodiac sign Libra
Sports Roller, Ski, Basketball
Hobbies Fishing/Hunting, Nature, Theater