Relation sérieuse aboutissant au mariage inchallah je suis tout confiant

Nostrad Confidence rating : 1.5 / 5Confidence rating : 1.5 / 5Confidence rating : 1.5 / 5Confidence rating : 1.5 / 5Confidence rating : 1.5 / 5
Relation sérieuse aboutissant au mariage inchallah je suis tout confiant
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Je suis à la recherche d'une relation sérieuse qui pourra aboutir au mariage inchallah...j espere retrouver parmis vous la personne idéale avec qui passer le restant de ma vie
Pseudo Nostrad
Age 46 y/o
He is looking for A woman ♀
He would live in

Morocco Titt MellilenMorocco Titt Mellilen

Marital status Single
Colour of eye Dark brown
Colour of hair Auburn
Height 180 cm
Weight 74 kg
Smoker No Way
Drinker Non-alcoholic beverages only
He has children Yes, 2
Religion Muslim
Education High School
Profession Architecture
Character Thoughtful
Zodiac sign Pisces
Sports Football / Soccer, (other), (other)
Hobbies Reading, Nature, Fishing/Hunting