Prendre la vie comme elle est et profiter du voyage.

Lesacdamour Confidence rating : 1.3 / 5Confidence rating : 1.3 / 5Confidence rating : 1.3 / 5Confidence rating : 1.3 / 5Confidence rating : 1.3 / 5
Prendre la vie comme elle est et profiter du voyage.
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Personnal Ads
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t v w x y z a d f h k r d z u n s e r t z u h g d f g b h j s d f g b h n e s d c v f g r d f g h b d s a w e r t z h n g f d s c v b h n h j m n b v c x s w e f g h z t r f g h j k u i h g
Pseudo Lesacdamour
Age 38 y/o
He is looking for A woman ♀
He would live in

Germany 33602 BielefeldGermany 33602 Bielefeld

Marital status Single
Colour of eye Brown
Colour of hair Black
Height 175 cm
Weight 70 kg
Smoker No Way
Drinker Social drinker
He has children No
Religion (other)
Education (other)
Profession Construction / Engineering
Character Romantic
Zodiac sign Gemini
Sports Gymnastics, (other), Ski
Hobbies Languages, (other), Trekking