I am looking for a serious and lasting relationship

Dominique09287 Confidence rating : 3.5 / 5Confidence rating : 3.5 / 5Confidence rating : 3.5 / 5Confidence rating : 3.5 / 5Confidence rating : 3.5 / 5
I am looking for a serious and lasting relationship
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I get to know you and I discover how you really are I find you correct and very kind I like your way of talking to me, I like your kindness you are so fine with me you are respectful and I like talking with you. I think our destinies are similar, our lives are made to be together you and I continue this perfect path without end.
Pseudo Dominique09287
Age 43 y/o
She is looking for A man ♂
She live in

United States 11218 Prospect Park SouthUnited States 11218 Prospect Park South

Marital status Single
Colour of eye Gray
Colour of hair Blond
Height 172 cm
Weight 56 kg
Smoker No Way
Drinker Non-alcoholic beverages only
She has children No
Religion Christian
Education High School
Profession Technology / Telecommunication
Character Sociable
Zodiac sign Leo
Sports Fencing, Rugby, Handball
Hobbies Fishing/Hunting, Games, Languages